Drunken Llama

I Put The Fuck Back In Toaster

Charity Cannot Be Forced Or Coerced Otherwise It Is Not Charity You Fucks

I’m not here to rag on giving to charity and shit like that I’m here to rag on the fuckers that need to get in your face about the fucking shit.  Look if I wanted to give to your fucking charity I would have probably done it already you cock smokers!  I really just fucking love it when one of the assholes you work for (yes Llama has a job because booze is not free) decides to get a tape worm up his ass and go on some fucking moral crusade for some fucking charity and suddenly when you don’t start forking over your fucking money they act like you are fucking Hitler or something.  Even better when they make sure that everyone fucking knows who didn’t fucking give money and keeps asking you if you will reconsider it every 20 minutes.  Yeah fuck you, you son of a motherless goat fucking genital wart!  Fucking hell what is fucking wrong with people?  Do you fucking understand that the more you act like an asshole about it the less likely I am to reconsider my choice and give fucking money?  Do you realize the more of a douche bag ass rapist you act like there is a very, very good fucking chance that I will never give money to that charity ever?  I won’t if you piss me off about it and act like a fuck about a certain charity I will never fucking give them money ever.  You don’t work or even volunteer with that charity and other than helping to raise funds for them they really have nothing to do with you.  It’s not the charities fault but still they will never fucking get my mother fucking money ever!  Because of you, because you are an asshole they lose out.  Good for you, you fucking prick.

So what since I didn’t give to your fucking cause am I going to get fired?  Am I going to lose out on a promotion opportunity because I didn’t give?  Am I going to win that lawsuit?  Why yes, yes I fucking would.  If some dumb bitch can get millions of dollars of McDonald’s for dumping coffee on her own diseased and rotted lap I think I have this one if the fucking bag mother fuckers.  Am I going to sue?  Well I don;t want to because I hate lawyers and don’t want to be around the scumfuckers long enough to do it but keep pushing shitfucks and see what the fuck happens you slug rapists!

Now some of you fuckwads out there might think I sound like a vindictive prick right now and I might be but you rape squirrels for a living so you don’t really count as people.  At least I am not actively campaigning against giving to that particular charity.  I’ll at least do that, but really keep pushing me and I will bitches, I really fucking will.

Fucking, I’ll be honest I really don’t give a fuck about charity for the most part.  Doesn’t the government steal enough of my mother fucking money to give to crack heads and third world dictators as it is? Is that charity?  Hellz fucking no it isn’t it’s theft.  If I don’t want the government giving my money to these fucks and stop paying my taxes they come to my house and either shoot me or put me in jail.  I have a lot of guns but not enough to repel the attack of the Army division, so I give them my money, and tell them to go fuck themselves here because they still haven’t been able to get rid o free speech (I’m sure they are working on it thought).

If you want money out of me it better be for children, and if you bitch about how I need to “save the children” I’m still not going to give you my mother fucking money.  You know why?  They ain’t my kids bitch.  Take care of your own kids you lazy fuck.  But now and then I give to shit like an orphanage because they don’t have parents to take care of them so I throw a little cheese their way.  I do not give money to adults.  I don’t and I will not.  They are adults, they should act like it and take care of their own shit.  I’m not going to be fucking Santa Claus to a bunch of lazy fucking grown-ass people who won’t bother to go out there and get their fucking shit together.  I make sure I carry around job applications for local fast food joints and gas stations so every fucking time some bum asks me for change I can hand it to the smelly fuck.
I do not feal sorry for adults.  I don’t, grow the fuck up and deal with you fucking lives you ingrates!
Fuck you, I ain’t giving shit!

Llama out bitches.

April 19, 2010 - Posted by | drunken rants, things that piss me off | , , , , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. I feel the same way, i give to charities if i feel like it and definitely not when people come poking around to shake you down. That really pisses me off.

    Besides, the government is taking plenty of my money and giving it to shitbags all over the world, so i’m already giving to charity.

    Comment by MK | April 20, 2010 | Reply

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